Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Owls are AWESOME!!!

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone, I walk alone. I walk along a dirt road leading to the city. In the city I am shoved and kicked by all of the people hustling and bustling about me, but I still walk alone. Nobody hears my pleas for help or my shouts to move.
I walk alone, I walk alone. It is snowing and their is pure silence. I see a broken down truck in front of an old burned down house. There is still a little amber glowing from the recent fire. I see a snow angel in the front yardbeginning to be covered up by the new falling snow, never to be thought of again.
I walk alone, I walk alone. I see broken dreams. I walk alone and even my thoughts leave me on hold, with a song to replace them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thinking About You

I'm thinking about you like dogs think about cats, like cats think about sleep, and like stories think  about words. I'm thinking about you like onions think about crying and jokes think about laughter. I am thinking about you like crazy. I'm thinking about you like mail thinks about mailing, like songs think about singing, like rolls think about rolling, like locks think about locking, like rings think about... diamonds I'm thinking about you like A thinks about Z, in that A loves Z, but A knows that Z will never love him back. I'm thinking about you like The earth thinks about the sky. Always hopeful that sky will meet it, but the earth is just too low for that. I am thinking about you like and owl thinks about eyeballs. Like fire thinks about gas. I am thinking about you like crazy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Direct Orders

 Rock Out...
as if you sust got a new puppy
as if found out that Pokemon actually existed
as if you just won one million dollars
as if you chose the right way and did not look back
as if you just got pulled over, but the police man doesn't give you a ticket
as if she just forgave you
as if your dog followed you around and not anybody else
as if every other person on the earth all turned into dogs and you were their master
as if you fell off of the Ferris Wheel, and landed on the bouncy house
as if you were free of sin
as if you were the last person on earth and no one would make fun of you
as if you just had a grilled cheese sandwich and Tomato Soup
as if you were in complete control of your emotions
as if you had no homework
as if she just said yes
as if you finally knew for sure what your favorite color was
as if you finally finished your essay
as if everyone was your best friend
as if you just got the superpower to fly and didn't have to pay for plane tickets anymore
as if you just found out that there was colored telivision
as if it was your very last day
as if you just found out how to turn yourself into a dog
as if you just rode a seahorse across the ocean