Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thinking About You

I'm thinking about you like dogs think about cats, like cats think about sleep, and like stories think  about words. I'm thinking about you like onions think about crying and jokes think about laughter. I am thinking about you like crazy. I'm thinking about you like mail thinks about mailing, like songs think about singing, like rolls think about rolling, like locks think about locking, like rings think about... diamonds I'm thinking about you like A thinks about Z, in that A loves Z, but A knows that Z will never love him back. I'm thinking about you like The earth thinks about the sky. Always hopeful that sky will meet it, but the earth is just too low for that. I am thinking about you like and owl thinks about eyeballs. Like fire thinks about gas. I am thinking about you like crazy!


  1. I love your line about A and Z and the sky meeting the earth!
    so sad but so good:)

  2. I love the one about words and stories. That's pretty deep. I like it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
